Mum mummy

In a relationship, I condone silence being the solution, at least not a permanent one. Why do you choose to sweep everything under the carpet when you clearly know there's only so much that the carpet can contain? What good does keeping mum just to avoid an argument brings? Unhappiness, anger, soreness are all pent up, let alone not solving the core of the problem. Is this how a healthy relationship blossoms? I don't think so. And I know you are on the same page as me.

The immense feelings I have are insignificant compared to yours, because I'm not the victim of those sufferings. Hearing that shivering voice, seeing those droplets of tears, I feel my insides caving in. I know you aren't beaming with happiness for sure, but hearing how unhappy you are, it makes me rage. 

A victim needs to voice out. No more prolonging, because all it does is prolonging your suffering and soon enough, there will be another innocent and young party suffering. If not for yourself, then for him. 

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