As long as those who matter, care

In just 12 more days, I will be the legal wife of the man who has been loving me unconditionally from the start, even when I haven't then.

I feel differently the same, should this make any sense. 7 years of relationship cum partnership, yet we knew each other 10 years ago, became close friends 9 years ago. We can practically proclaim "I've known her/him for almost half my life". Thus becoming legal spouses is merely a change to the 'official' status, just a paper ceremony. This way, everything remains. Yet, there are going to be so many upcoming phases and 'life' projects awaiting us - these are different tastes of life to be experienced. 

Building our love nest is going to be exciting, temporarily casting aside the months of hard works to be done which have already began. The end product is definitely going to be worthwhile, we are certain.

Moving out physically from my comfort home I've been with since birth, I'm already having tearful thoughts and moments now and then. So much emotional adaptations to make. Not coming back to my heroine welcoming me home, saying she knows it's me just by the sound of my footsteps with my hero giving his classic slight smirk to her quirky comment. Not coming back to my siblings ordering food delivery and asking whether to count me in. Not coming back to my parents having their eyes glued to HK/Korean drama series and debating over their differing predictions of the next scene. Not coming back to my brother cooking maggie mee and stealing a few mouths from his bowl without him ever complaining. Not coming back to the bed my siz and I share till today and having random conversations, discussions, gossips till either of us falls asleep. So many many more. Some may be embarrassed to admit or even mention how attached they are to their family. Not me. I proudly declare how emotionally and physically attached I am to my most precious family, Just like the wordings on my back dictate, "My family is beautiful because they make me believe that I am, by showing me how worthy I am to be loved, and because of them, I'm being nurtured to love." How to not be deeply attached to parts of your own soul? 

Fortunate thing is our own nest is still considered near to my comfort home so I'll still be able to get my healthy dose of emotional pill. 

Each love journey to its own, and I pray for all love to be equal in the eyes of all. No love is inferior. No love should be disregarded. No love should be measured by gender, race, nationality. Love doesn't have to be further complicated by the narrow mindsets of others, it is beautiful, whether it is between the same or different gender/race/nationality. He loves her for her. He loves him for him. So why should gender come into the picture? 

I'm digressing. It's just that, I want him to be happy too. 

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